Empowering Education: Unveiling Our Diverse Course Catalog

Welcome to Virtual Education Solutions!

Welcome to our diverse array of courses designed to inspire and engage students of all ages and learning levels. Explore our comprehensive selection of subjects, from core academics to enriching electives, tailored to provide a dynamic and enriching educational experience. Whether you are seeking to strengthen foundational skills or delve into advanced topics, our courses are crafted to ignite a passion for learning and foster academic growth. Dive into our course offerings and embark on a journey of discovery and achievement.

We step into the halls of learning with eager minds, ready to absorb knowledge and broaden our horizons. American High School is not just a place of education; it's a platform that empowers us to strive for greatness.

Elementary School (Grades K-5)

At the heart of our Homeschooling Academy is a dedicated and distinctive approach designed to empower parents in aiding their children build a robust academic base. We provide an engaging and comprehensive homeschool curriculum tailored for each level ranging from Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten to Elementary grades (Kindergarten through 5th Grade). Our mission is to facilitate a home-based learning experience that fosters lasting educational achievement for each child.

Middle School (Grades 6-8)

In the realm of homeschooling, the middle school years represent a dynamic period of increased self-guided learning and growing accountability. Our thoroughly designed homeschool curriculum fosters this independence and has been meticulously refined over the years, standing as one of the finest in its domain. Parents, acting as educators, leverage these extensive resources to impart knowledge, further bolstered by the guidance of our exceptional course materials.

High School (Grades 9-12)

Our approach at prioritizes adapting our curriculum to aptly meet the unique academic requirements of each student. We uphold the belief that education should be a custom fit for the learner, rather than constraining the learner to adapt to a rigid curriculum. Our high school curriculum is thoughtfully designed to align with the academic stage of the students, promoting a conducive and effective learning environment right at home.